Bodyshop Consumables
Bed Liner & Protective Coating
Right click on extraputty.ini. On the right hand side window select function TLinit. Right click properties- dialog opens up. Click default module button - Check for module path. Select the extra putty DLL which is present in the above copied folder. Repeat this for all functions. Save the ini file ( do not modify versions if prompted for). ExtraPuTTY is a fork from 0.67 version of PuTTY. ExtraPuTTY has all the features from the original soft and adds others. Scripting a session with lua 5.3. Automatic sequencing of commands. Shortcuts for pre-defined commands. PuTTYcmdSender: tool to send command or keyboard shortcut to multiple putty windows. If your sink is leaking, look under the sink to see if water is leaking from the drain itself or from the pipes below. If the sink drain gasket is old and cr. ExtraPuTTY is a fork from 0.67 version of PuTTY, and includes PuTTY in its releases. ExtraPuTTY adds additional features to PuTTY. Technology/Standard Usage Requirements: Users must ensure their use of this technology/standard is consistent with VA policies and standards, including, but not limited to, VA Handbooks 6102 and 6500; VA Directives.
Dolphin 1K Combination Putty is an convenient and ready to use - no hardener required! Perfect for surface imperfections and rock chips, especially last minute situations.
- Extra smooth acrylic putty to fill surface imperfections and pinholes
- Designed for use immediately prior to the application of a basecoat or topcoat
- Use straight from the tube - No hardener or mixing required!
Substrates: Direct to metal, prepared OEM paint surfaces, aluminum, galvanized, SMC, fiberglass, lightly abraded E coat, most plastics
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